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Septic tank emptying and cleaning


Septic tank emptying and cleaning

Septic tanks (also known as cesspits, cesspools, or soakaway pits) need to be emptied and cleaned periodically to ensure their proper functioning. If you would like to get rid of this problem with the help of the cleanest, fastest and most efficient professionals, do not hesitate to contact us.


How is a septic tank emptying and cleaning service performed?

First, we empty the tank, suctioning all its contents using our vacuum-equipped tanker trucks. Once the tank is emptied, we clean the adjacent pipes and tank surfaces with high-pressure water while continuing to suction. If necessary, we then refill the tank with clean water up to the level recommended by the manufacturer. Finally, we transport the waste to the appropriate treatment facility using the truck’s tank.

How often should a septic tank be emptied and cleaned?

It depends on the tank and its usage. The frequency can range from just a few months or even weeks for small, heavily used, or sealed tanks to several years for larger tanks with lighter usage or proper drainage. If you request our septic tank emptying and cleaning service, our expert technicians can recommend the optimal frequency for your specific case. Once the ideal schedule is determined, we can enter it into our management system and notify you when it is time for your septic tank’s next service.

How can we empty and clean a septic tank with difficult access?

At HIDECU, we have tanker trucks in various sizes to traverse challenging paths. When we cannot get any closer, we use as much hose as necessary to reach the septic tank. Difficult access may affect the total time required for the service and, consequently, its cost. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us: we will be happy to help.

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