Clearing, emptying and cleaning

At HIDECU, we are experts in pipe unblocking and septic tank emptying and cleaning in Girona and its neighbouring towns such as Sarrià de Ter, Sant Gregori, Quart, Fornells de la Selva, Vilablareix, and Aiguaviva. Our professional team is available 24/7 to solve any pipe issue, whether in the historic centre of Girona, near the Cathedral, in Montjuïc, or in the residential areas of neighbouring towns. We use the latest technology, such as TV inspection cameras and locators, to ensure clean, fast and effective service, ensuring that your pipes are always in perfect condition. Additionally, we cover a large part of the Girona province, offering our solutions beyond the metropolitan area of the capital. Trust HIDECU for a professional and safe service that keeps your home free from blockages.

Pipe unblocking
Septic tank emptying and cleaning
Preventive pipe cleaning / maintenance
Localización de arquetas ocultas y similares
TV Camera inspection and pipe location
Industrial and surface cleaning with high-pressure
Other emptying and cleaning services
Vaciado de locales y parkings inundados
How do we work?
A blockage is unpleasant when it occurs and, often, when it is being resolved. We are aware of this, so we work to minimize disruptions and clean up any unavoidable mess.
A blockage is unpleasant when it occurs and, often, when it is being resolved. We are aware of this, so we work to minimize disruptions and clean up any unavoidable mess.
Some problems must be resolved immediately to prevent worse problems. With our fleet of trucks, we prioritize the most urgent services to provide you with a quick response when you need it most.
Some problems must be resolved immediately to prevent worse problems. With our fleet of trucks, we prioritize the most urgent services to provide you with a quick response when you need it most.
Our experienced team and our vehicles equipped with the latest technology guarantee effective and lasting solutions. We deliver superior quality service, focusing on the root of the problem, resolving it and ensuring peace of mind for our clients.
Our experienced team and our vehicles equipped with the latest technology guarantee effective and lasting solutions. We deliver superior quality service, focusing on the root of the problem, resolving it and ensuring peace of mind for our clients.
We minimize the inconvenience of a blockage with clean and careful work.
We minimize the inconvenience of a blockage with clean and careful work.
We respond quickly thanks to our numerous well-equipped teams.
We respond quickly thanks to our numerous well-equipped teams.
We tackle the root of the problem and help you prevent it from happening again.
We tackle the root of the problem and help you prevent it from happening again.
The pink team that unclogs everything
Over the years, we have cleaned countless kilometres of piping with our hoses. We are ready for many more to come!
Our clients opinions
Jordi Tur i Coma2024-12-18 Bons profesionals i treballen rapid, agraits per la feina ben feta. Mark Geerts2024-12-12 Bon i ràpid servei! anna riera2024-12-10 Super eficients i amables!!🔝 Rosabel Duran2024-12-02 Dos operarios han venido a casa por un atasco. Han llegado rapido, muy atentos, trabajando muy bien y limpios. Gracias Silvia Feixas2024-11-11 Molt bona feina. Nois molt amables i eficaços. Cap Nom2024-10-24 Molt amables i molt bon servei. Domingo Pedraza2024-10-22 Puntualitat, profesionslitat, velocitat, eficiència, pulcritud, mitjans tècnics punters i, tant important com tot l'anterior, simpatia!!.... no es pot demanar més. No els he posat 6 estrelles sobre 5 perquè Google no em deixa. La meva enhorabona al jefe per tenir tècnics com aquests. Pantagb2024-10-16 Avui he necessitat els seus serveis. Me'ls ha enviat Mafre. L'operari Rafa i el seu company han estat gairebé 3 hores sense parar. Després de molt patir m han solucionat el problema. M han explicat en tot moment què feien, com anava la cosa.... No puc més que estar-los molt agraït. Grans professionals. Marina Campoy2024-09-13 Muy profesionales, amables y buen trabajo. Maite Ruz2024-09-02 Rapida solución al problema. Buenos profesionales Rafa/Jimmy C10